Spino Cerebellar Ataxia Australia - About Us
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Australia Inc

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The S.C.A. support group is in the process of formation. The aims of the group are to provide a support organisation that will assist all people with a Spino Cerebellar Ataxia. Our main aims are to give each member a forum to enable them to contact others with similar conditions, raise awareness of the various different S.C.A.s,  lobby and enable further research into treatment and to develop a web site giving access to people  worldwide.

SCARS - Spino-cerebellar Ataxia Resources and Support (located in NSW) is joining forces with the Victorian SCA Support Group.  That group is currently establishing itself.  At the moment, Jane Tombs and myself (Michelle Willems) are working to bring together both groups and any interested/affected persons, and their families, and others with an interest in the disorders.  Eventually there will be several contacts, nationally.

If you would like us to publish your account of your experience with an Ataxia, please send that story along to Jane or myself and that will be published in the "Personal Stories" section of this site. 

We would like to express our gratitude to the Genetics Support Network Victoria for their maximum $400 grant for our initial, ongoing expenses.


© Spinocerebellar Ataxia Australia Inc